
Public Sector Consulting


This is my flagship program.  My most comprehensive program. The program that sees the most transformation for participants.

Accelerator participants have:
  • Found the courage to leave their employment role and start their consulting business
  • Won their first consulting projects – and at a higher rate than they originally anticipated
  • Made pivots to take their consulting business in a different direction – to be more aligned with their passion and commitment
  • Made significant shifts in their mindset so they show up more confidently in their consulting role
  • Made thousands more dollars by recognising their value and worth and increasing their rates to reflect this
  • Saved thousands of dollars by learning how to accurately quote and scope a project and manage scope creep in a way that doesn’t financially disadvantage them
  • Created more balance in their lives
  • Stepped up to manage their business like a CEO
  • Avoided all the guesswork and beginners’ mistakes
  • Realised that they are not alone in their feelings of doubt and lack of confidence; and gained have the tools they need to move past limiting beliefs that hold them back
  • Been supported by and learnt from a like minded group of people who are striving towards excellence in their public sector consulting role.
By joining the Accelerator program you will:
  • Get lifetime access to the ultimate public sector consultant online toolkit of training modules, templates, tools and checklists.
  • Develop your mindset so you can take your business to the place you want to.
  • Work on business development so that you confidently step into the small business role.
  • Have access to mentoring from one of the leading experts in public sector consulting.
  • Have access to support and shared learning from a respectful group of peers.

What You’ll Learn

This Accelerator program is designed to teach you everything you need to know to grow your public sector consultancy into a profitable, sustainable business.

In the Public Sector Consulting Accelerator, you’ll learn how to:

  • Get the work –  Where to look for public sector projects, how to interpret briefs and prepare proposals, and how to accurately cost and quote for a project.
  • Prepare for the work –  How to establish project governance, contractual arrangements, client management and more – everything you need to ensure that when you win a project, it runs smoothly and effectively.
  • Do the work – Complete public sector projects with confidence and deliver value to your clients because you now have a roadmap that covers every aspect of consulting ‘how to’. The online training modules cover everything from stakeholder consultation, managing the consultant/client relationship, project management, analysis and development of project findings, report writing and much more.
  • ​Grow your business – Marketing that won’t make you cringe, that is fit for the public sector context and will position you as the go-to expert in your field.
  • Manage your business – how to manage finances, administration and compliance.
  • ​And a lot more…

How Does it Work?

Public Sector Consulting Accelerator is an 8-week group mentoring program that opens for intake 3 times per year. Each intake is open to a maximum of 10 participants.

As soon as you enrol in the Accelerator, you’ll receive immediate, lifetime access to all of the online material, and you’ll be expected to go through the course modules according to the 8-week schedule that I will provide.

Each week, I’ll host a 90-minute group Q&A call over Zoom, where we can discuss the content from some of the training modules, focus on mindset and address business development issues.

You’ll also receive access to me throughout the 8-week course schedule via our chat platform.

I’m also available throughout the 8 weeks to work with you on any individual issue or challenge that arises for you.

Enrol in the Public Sector Consulting Accelerator

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Join the waitlist to be emailed when enrolment in the next cohort opens up.

Who is this for?

This accelerator is for you if you are:

On the cusp of making the move to consulting …

  • But are doubting yourself about whether you have what it takes
  • You want to leave that negative work environment behind, but it’s eroded your confidence and so you’re struggling to really believe it’s possible to step out on your own
  • You’ve set an exit date, are excited about the move and want to be as prepared as possible to step into the consulting role.

Already a public sector consultant….

  • You’re in the early stages of business and are eager to grow but you’re feeling hampered by a lack of know-how and support.
  • You can’t figure out how to translate your broad range of skills and experience into a consulting service offering
  • You’re avoiding marketing yourself because it makes you uncomfortable and you don’t really know how to go about it.
  • You’ve been in business for a few years but are looking to make a pivot and take your consulting in a different direction.
  • The projects you get offered don’t inspire you and you want to develop a business you love rather than the business you currently have.
  • You constantly find yourself working unpaid days because you’ve underquoted or because the project scope shifts once you get started.
  • You struggle with setting a daily rate that reflects the value you have to offer because you worry clients will balk at it.
  • You’re feeling isolated – you have so many questions and challenges you’d like to get support with, but don’t know where to go with those.
  • You made the move to achieve more flexibility and balance in your life, but so far haven’t managed to achieve that.
  • No matter which of the above applies to you, the Accelerator is exactly what you need
  • You are ready to make that move, or take your consulting business to the next level.

If you have questions or would like to discuss whether the Accelerator is a good fit for you, book a call with me.

What participants say about their experience
What participants say about their experience

Accelerator – What’s Included With The Program

8 x weekly 90-minute group mentoring sessions with me

The weekly Zoom sessions are the heart and soul of the Accelerator program.  It is in these sessions that you’ll get hands-on mentoring from me, as well as support and learning from each other.   You’ll also get the opportunity to talk about your current challenges and bring up any doubts or anxieties so we can work through them together.

Above all I ensure this is a supportive and safe space.

We focus on three areas:

  1. Consulting skills and knowledge development.
    Each week we will spend time discussing the set training modules for that week and expanding on and delving deeper into the set topic/s.  There are currently 19 training modules in the online program and I will suggest a weekly schedule outlining which modules we will focus on taking into account:

    • What I know are the common areas that consultants find challenging
    • Some of the very fundamentals you need to get on top of
    • The information from your onboarding surveys about areas you are particularly looking for support with.
      BUT this is your mentoring program, so there is flexibility to focus on any topics of particular interest to the group.
  2. Business development
    You’re not just a consultant, you’re also operating a small business.  So business development is extremely important and we spend time on issues such as marketing, generating business, finances, compliance, business set up and more.
  3. Mindset
    One of the things I have confirmed from working with so many consultants now, is that the transition into consulting commonly comes with doubts and anxieties.  This can be about whether you have what it takes, about marketing, about money/charging what you are worth, about managing the client relationship, about establishing your consulting niche, about what others will think, about winning enough business to stay afloat.   These and other similar issues are really all about confidence – you absolutely have what it takes, but you doubt yourself – you let imposter syndrome through the door.

Having the right mindset is critical to your success.  This means making shifts so that you don’t let limiting beliefs hold you back.  To address this we have a consistent focus on mindset in the Accelerator – it comes up in almost every session, but we also have dedicated resources to support you to develop your consulting and business owner mindset.

The weekly sessions are recorded and a link to the recording is provided within two days of each session.

Access to the Most Comprehensive Suite of Online Training Modules Available  [if you’ve previously purchased the Public Sector Consultant Masterclass series the cost will be taken off the purchase price]

There are 19 video training modules currently in the Masterclass Series– and more are added as the need is identified.    The training modules distil all of my consulting know-how and wisdom from over two decades of operating my public sector consulting business.

Download the [Accelerator Training Modules Summary] here.

There is also a downloadable toolkit of templates, checklists and guides to accompany the training modules.

And because I know that you will want to come back to the training time and again, you have lifetime access.

Access to the Accelerator Mindset Coach

Everyone who joins the Accelerator has the opportunity to work with Danielle Grant, our mindset coach.  This includes our group setting in one of the weekly Zoom sessions which is dedicated to mindset, and also in an intimate 1-on-1 setting.  Your one-hour individual session with Danielle will help you transform a mental limitation that is holding you back, from sending those proposals or simply stepping into your internal power and belief as a consultant.

A college & corporate dropout, Danielle spent the last 18 years obsessively studying personal growth, buddhism, and the mental mind. An expert on mindset, she now shows other Entrepreneurs how to attain peak mindset performance & make stepping into their next level business and personal goals easier than ever before. Her superpower? Helping 6 & 7 Figure Entrepreneurs transform their mental patterns and negative thought attachments to create the life and business that they desire.

What participants say about their experience
What participants say about their experience

Access to the Public Sector Consulting Launchpad program [if you’ve previously purchased this program the cost will be taken off the purchase price]

As one participant said, “this was the critical missing piece of the puzzle for me”.

Launchpad will have you laser-focused on your business. The interactive worksheets will guide you step by step through

  • Identifying your ideal target client
  • Defining your service offering
  • Developing your capability statement
  • Developing a marketing strategy

Once you’ve completed the work I will review your capability statement, updated LinkedIn profile and marketing strategy.  We then spend a 1-hour Zoom session together to refine your materials.

Access to the Accelerator Slack Channel

Once the cohort is enrolled, I will send everyone an invitation to join our communication platform, Slack.  Throughout the 8 weeks this is how we’ll communicate and share information. Before we start, I’ll ask everyone to introduce themselves on Slack so you can start to get a sense of who your fellow participants are.  I’ll post the weekly recordings in there, our weekly training schedule, you can post questions for me and the other participants, share information and tips, and message me and other participants privately if you need to.

I will check Slack daily and respond to questions and issues that arise.

Access to me

During our time together, you are my priority.  If you have a challenge you want to talk through, a project issue, a proposal issue, a mindset issue – I’m there for you.  All you need to do is message me and we can jump on a call.

And it doesn’t all just stop when the eight weeks are over – talk to other participants and they will tell you that my goal is to help you where and when I can. Alumni reach out to me from time to time for support and I am happy to provide that.

A copy of my book Consult:
How to Build Your Successful Solo Business

Jacq’s book Consult invites you into the often closed shop of the consulting world. You’ll learn what you need to know to get you started on the right track, as well as practical tips and simple steps for developing your consulting expertise over time.

Success Stories

Enrol in the Public Sector Consulting


Join the waitlist to be emailed when enrolment in the next cohort opens up.

$6,429.00 AUD

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I have a question that isn’t listed here. Who do I ask?

Email admin@jacqhackett.com.au and we’ll get back to you.

How is the program structured and delivered?

The Accelerator is an 8-week mentoring program.  Each week as a group, we have a 1.5 hour Zoom session which I lead and facilitate.  Most weeks I set which training modules you need to cover off as homework [never more than two modules] and we use our time to reflect on learning from those modules, dive deeper into the topics, as well as discuss mindset issues and business development.  We also use our time to problem solve challenges participants are facing in their business.   One session is completely devoted to mindset with the Accelerator mindset coach Danielle Grant.  

How do I access the online training?

Once you enrol in the Accelerator, you’ll immediately get access to all the online training modules, plus all the associated templates, guides, and checklists.  Check your email for login details to the site.  

How long do I have access to the online training material?

You have lifetime access to all of the Accelerator training modules, so you can come back to the material at any time. You’ll also get access to any and all new training modules, updates, or additions to the Public Sector Consulting Accelerator for as long as I offer the Accelerator for sale.

Can I download the content to my device?

Yes – all of the videos, templates, guides, and checklists are downloadable, so you can store them on your device and access them at a later time.

What day and time will the weekly group mentoring sessions be held?

The day/time of our weekly sessions will be negotiated once the cohort has been enrolled and I do my best to set a time that suits everyone.

How do I organise our 1:1 sessions?

There are three 1:1 sessions included in the program. – two with me and one with Danielle Grant, the Accelerator mindset coach.  

For the sessions with me, one is focused on reviewing and refining your consulting service offering, your capability statement and your LinkedIn profile.  You can schedule this any time during or after the 8 weeks once you have completed the work associated with the Launchpad component of the program.  The second 1:1 session can be used for anything you need to work on any time after the 8 weeks and can be scheduled at time of your choosing.  I will provide you with Calendly links so you can schedule those sessions directly in my diary.

You can schedule your 1:1 session with Danielle after week 3, which is the week we focus on mindset.  Danielle also uses Calendly, and I’ll provide you with the link to book a time with her.

I’m worried about confidentiality within the small group – how do you manage that?

The issue of confidentiality comes up regularly. 

In particular, participants who are planning their move to consulting but haven’t yet informed their employer or colleagues want to ensure that this information is not leaked inappropriately. 

Others worry that the small cohort might include a close colleague or a potential competitor which would result in them being uncomfortable to openly share and participate.  

Group safety and confidentiality are extremely important to me and there are a number of measures I take to ensure this.  If there are enrolments in a cohort from people who I think may be a bit too close professionally, I will check this out with those individuals and suggest moving to a different cohort if necessary. [this has only happened once in the past].  I also spend time in the first session discussing confidentiality and group safety and setting some ground rules.  I regularly check in with the group as to how they are going with regard to group safety.

Is there a guarantee? What if I want a refund?

The Accelerator program comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If for any reason you discover the program just isn’t for you,  just email admin@jacqhackett.com.au within 30 days of your purchase and I’ll refund the entire program fee. No conditions, no hoops to jump through, no questions asked.

Want to chat to me about any of my programs?
