
Jacq Hackett Consulting

Based in New South Wales Australia, Jacq Hackett Consulting specializes in working with public and community sector health agencies and services.

Jacq Hackett Consulting Pty Ltd is a member of the NSW Government Performance & Management Prequalification Scheme and is pre-approved to provide agency and program reviews and evaluations, policy development, and corporate and business strategy and planning. [Under the scheme projects up to $150k require only one quote from a pre-approved supplier].

The 3 types of consultancy services I offer


Evaluation and review of health services and programs to identify impact and effectiveness. Jacq has conducted evaluations across a broad spectrum of health-related program areas, including drug & alcohol, mental health, cancer services, HIV/STIs, multicultural health services, public health, maternity services, and Aboriginal health.


Development and/or redesign of service models, including at statewide and local levels. Jacq has worked with clients to develop service models in a broad range of health settings, including trans and gender diverse services, violence abuse and neglect services, and intellectual disability / mental health.


Assisting clients with complex issues in healthcare policy and operational settings, particularly where an independent perspective is required. For example, to develop a new approach / framework / plan / policy, undertake a scoping exercise, or diagnose an organizational or systems problem. Typically, these projects involve diverse stakeholder views and may have sensitive political or operational implications.

Consultancy Approach

Clients tell me that some of the frustrating aspects of working with consultants are:

  • They don’t give sufficient attention to getting clarity about the scope and requirements, so the project fails to deliver what the client actually needs;
  • They use standard methodology rather than a process tailored to the specific client needs; and
  • They provide a report that simply summarises the issues without presenting the client with any new and insightful information. As a result, there is only limited value, and no concrete recommendations to move the issues forward.

To address these issues:

  • I spend time with you at the outset to make sure I really understand the brief so I can prepare a proposal and quote that absolutely aligns with your needs. I need to know the nature of the problem my client is facing, the issues that are important to them, the people involved, the output they want, and any sensitivities that might arise.
  • Whilst I utilize core consulting skills and processes that I know are effective, I approach each project with an open mind and bring flexibility to tailor the process to meet the specific needs of the client and their organization.
  • I apply high-level critical thinking skills in the analysis phase to distill findings that move beyond collating the key issues. I examine the issues from an organizational systems perspective to effectively diagnose what’s going on and identify solutions and recommendations tailored to the context and culture.

Where projects require additional skill sets I also have a small number of specialist consulting colleagues/associates I collaborate with as required.

My Consulting Clients and Projects

Jacq’s clients include the NSW Ministry of Health, NSW Local Health Districts and their individual hospitals and services, NSW Health Statewide Statutory Authorities, NSW Health specialty Networks, NSW Health Pillars and Non-Government and Not-for-Profit Health Organisations.

From time to time Jacq Hackett Consulting works on projects at the intersection of Health and other government agencies, including the NSW Education Department and the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.


Are there any costs associated with getting a proposal and quote?

Generally, no, this is a service that I provide free of charge. The exception to this is where a client is not yet clear about the project brief and would like me to assist in gaining clarity about scope and objectives. In this case, the client may want me to talk to some other stakeholders and it might require more than one meeting to nut out the details. In this case, my time will be charged.  Commonly the cost is simply built into the proposal and quote if we agree to go ahead.

I’m having trouble defining the scope of work – can you help me?

Yes. I provide this kind of assistance to clients all the time. Clients are often unclear about exactly what might be required for their project and need assistance to get clarity. If it’s relatively straightforward it will be done free of charge as part of my usual process of preparing a proposal. If further work is required [over four hours consulting], I will charge for my time.

Can you provide referees who can vouch for your work?

Yes. Simply ask me for this information and I will provide the details of some recent projects and contact details of clients.  

How do I arrange a proposal and quote?

The simplest way is to ring me and have a chat. If I think I can assist, I’ll arrange to come and meet with you [or teleconference if you’re in a rural area] so you can brief me in more detail. I’ll take it from there and develop a proposal and quote in line with your requirements and we can liaise until you are happy with it.

I’m thinking of bringing in a consultant but not certain – can I talk to you about my issue without any obligation to go ahead?

Absolutely – in fact, I encourage it. I’m very happy to chat with you and help you figure out whether

a] You do in fact require a consultant, and

b] If Jacq Hackett Consulting is best placed to work with your particular issue/s.

Want to discuss a potential consulting project?
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